Speaker Information

Thank for you being a valued MAG partner and agreeing to share your expertise and insights with our conference attendees. 

Check this page often for the latest updates and guidelines for your presentation.

Important Deadlines

All speaker assets should be submitted via the Speaker Form that was sent to you by Paul Tunstall upon your confirmed participation. All presentation material should be submitted to Nicole Mills.

  • 17 April
    • Complete and Submit Speaker Form
    • Register for the Summit
  • 8 May
    • Send in Polling Questions
    • Send in Seed Questions
    • Send in Draft PowerPoint
  • 16 May
    • Send in Final Draft


Any questions, please reach out to Nicole Mills or Jennifer Whitlock.

Presentation Requirements

Place presentations on MAG’s standard PowerPoint presentation templates using MAG presentation guidelines:

MAG retains control over the presentation of sessions, topics, and materials, and all session materials are the property of MAG.

  • Organization: Presentation includes -- beginning (title, introduction); middle (informational); and end (summary/conclusion)
  • Objective: Convey the necessary message, information and is it suitable for the target audience
  • Emphasize one point per slide and ensure you haven't crammed too much text on a slide
  • Legible text: Minimum words on each slides, serving as cues for elaboration
  • MAG PowerPoint Presentation Guidelines
  • Follow the MAG's Terms of Use
  • Select graphics, images, charts, tables, and audio/video clips that enhance content delivery. Ensure charts, tables, artwork, or audio/video clips help illustrate key data.     
  • Avoid: Animations, Slide Timing and Transitions, Word Art Object animation
    • Slides automatically advance when webcast starts if "Use Timings" is enabled and saved on any slide.
    • Hidden slides will convert and display in Studio
Your company logo may be inserted only on the Introduction page of the presentation
  • Commercial logos and marketing messages are prohibited in presentations.

✔ Educational content
✔ Vendor-neutral information
✔ Use case examples/call-to-action recommendations
✔ Your contact information on closing slide

⊘ Company overview slides 
⊘ Specific details about products your company sells
⊘ Product pricing or business pitches

The Merchant Advisory Group

Driving positive change and innovation in the payments industry that serves the merchants interest through collaboration, education, and advocacy.