Participate in a Special Interest Group

The ability to network and share outside of one’s primary vertical, is one of the biggest benefits of MAG membership. However, there are times when it makes sense for merchants within the same vertical to discuss and share industry-specific challenges. To meet this need, the MAG has formed breakout Special Interest Groups or SIGs.

Special Interest Groups or SIGs offer merchants the ability to network and share within the same vertical to discuss and share industry-specific challenges. These groups help identify critical and emerging industry issues, and merchant members may participate in a variety of SIGs.


Special Interest Groups (SIGs)


Merchant-only peer networking to identify, collaborate on, and affect solutions to payments industry challenges for eCommerce merchant professionals.

Visit MLC for SIG Resources


Merchant-only peer networking to identify, collaborate on, and affect solutions to payments industry challenges for small ticket and restaurant merchant professionals.

Visit MLC for SIG Resources


Merchant-only peer networking to identify, collaborate on, and affect solutions to payments industry challenges for traditional retail merchant professionals.

Visit MLC for SIG Resources



Merchant-only peer networking to identify, collaborate on, and affect solutions to payments industry challenges for petroleum and convenience store merchant professionals.

Visit MLC for SIG Resources

Recurring Subscriptions icon


Merchant-only peer networking to identify, collaborate on, and affect solutions to payments industry challenges for recurring and subscription billing merchants.

Visit MLC for SIG Resources


Intended for those that are strictly in a technology-focused role to collaborate and discuss hot topics such as key management, cloud computing, infrastructure, encryption, synthetic fraud, and ISO 20022 among others.

Visit MLC for SIG Resources

The Merchant Advisory Group

Driving positive change and innovation in the payments industry that serves the merchants interest through collaboration, education, and advocacy.